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About Age NI

Age NI is the leading charity for older people in Northern Ireland. Their work centres around supporting older people to make the very best of life.

Lidl are supporting Age NI to raise awareness of the challenges older people are facing today, including loneliness and isolation, poor health, an unmet need for care, and poverty, and to encourage those in need to reach out for information, advice and support.

With more than 350,000 older people living in Northern Ireland, there are more people over the age of 50 than under the age of 19. In the next twenty years, the number of people over 50 will increase by more than 30%. Age NI believe that everyone should be supported to enjoy later life. Older people should have enough money; be enabled to stay well and feel good; and have the opportunity to be equal and engaged citizens.

Age NI’s brand strapline ‘Let’s change how we age’ is at the heart of everything they do as a charity. It's a rallying cry to all of us who want to build a society where older people are included and valued. It recognises that society needs to change its thinking around what ageing should look like and reflects our ambition to continue to change the lives of older people in need right now.

Age NI delivers care and wellbeing services, provides advice and advocacy support, campaigns and influences decision makers to improve later life for us all. All services are free at the point of contact and are designed to meet the needs of older people. While direct care and wellbeing services are targeted at those in most need or at risk of disadvantage, Age NI advice lines are open to all older people, or anyone concerned about an older person.

Age NI reaches and supports older people in local communities through our motivated staff and volunteer base who are committed to our culture and values:

• You matter.

• We care.

• Together we make a difference.

For more information tap here

For free and confidential advice on benefits, care, housing and health, call 0808 808 7575.

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